Have you ever wondered how to make new friends in Newcastle after moving from another location? The Newcastle Ionian Club provides support for newcomers through a welcoming women's social network to meet new people and make new friends.
Newcastle Ionian Club is an active and engaged network of women who live in Newcastle and surrounding districts. We facilitate fun, friendship and support for existing members and newcomers through a diverse range of social activities.
We’re about meeting new people, connecting with old friends, sharing interests and enjoying the wonders of our region.
Meetings are informal and include reports from various activity groups and, usually, followed by a Guest Speaker and lunch.
Monthly Luncheon Meetings:
Every fourth Thursday at 10:30 am except December & January.
For further information contact the Secretary: newcastle@ionians.net
Birthday Luncheon: 4th Thursday in June.
Annual General Meeting: 4th Thursday in July.
Christmas Luncheon: 4th Thursday in November.
Current Venue:
458 Lake Road, Argenton, NSW 2284
Our luncheon meetings follow a Covid-19 Safe Plan.
We also meet in small groups for various activities.
Some members join the monthly activity groups. Currently our groups are,
Artists Group
Book Group
Coffee Clubs
Craft / Creative
Movie Group
Scribes (writers) Group
Theatre (partners welcome)
Wine Appreciation (partners welcome)
The 5th Thursday Discovery